Live Streaming

Check out our live streaming tutorials, covering the major streaming protocols and Qencode features.

Getting Started with Live Streaming

To start streaming with Qencode, you need your , which can be found in the inside your account. The assigned to each Project allows you easily segment usage and billing based on your preferences, while provide some control over access to the Qencode API. If you want to generate a new API Key, you can do so by…

Getting Started

Recording your live video stream with DVR

You can call method to enable DVR recording the following way: You should at least specify DVR state and object params where recorded videos will be saved. You also can specify the following params: - specifies the stream to be recorded. Possible values: 'original', 'transcoded' or 'auto' (default). -…

Live Recording (DVR)

Setting up targets for Simulcasting

You can add one or more simulcast targets to your Qencode live stream. Each simulcast target should be an endpoint which can accept an RTMP stream from Qencode. You can manage the simulcast targets for your Live Stream via UI or API. You can add or delete a simulcast target for a stream by selecting it on the . Go to the settings on stream details…


Multiple Playback IDs

Introduction A Playback ID is a unique identifier used to access a specific version of a live stream. Having multiple Playback IDs can help you implement varied access policies (e.g., public vs. authenticated), track audience segments, and customize live streaming content. Types of Access Policies for Playback IDs allow for precise control over who can access the live stream.

Multiple Playback IDs