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Bucket management using s3cmd


s3cmd is a command-line utility designed for managing S3 storage, offering a wide range of functions for interacting with S3 buckets and objects. It allows users to perform file operations (upload, download, delete), manage buckets (creation, listing, deletion), efficiently handle data transfers (including multipart uploads and synchronization), and query information about objects. It’s highly useful for scripting and automation in various backup and batch processing scenarios. s3cmd is not only versatile and user-friendly for those comfortable with the command-line interface but also configurable for use with any S3-compatible services.

Installing s3cmd

Here's a step-by-step guide to install s3cmd on a Windows system:


  • Python: s3cmd is a Python script, so you need Python installed on your system. It's recommended to use Python 3.x.
  • PIP: PIP is Python's package installer. It's usually included with Python.

Install Python

  1. Download Python: Go to the official Python website (https://www.python.org/downloads/) and download the latest version of Python for Windows.
  2. Run the Installer: Open the downloaded file and run the installer.
    • Ensure to check the box that says "Add Python X.X to PATH" at the bottom of the installer window. This step is crucial as it allows you to run Python from the Command Prompt.
  3. Complete Installation: Follow the installer prompts to complete the installation.

Install s3cmd

  1. Open Command Prompt: Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.

  2. Install s3cmd: In the Command Prompt, type the following command and press Enter:

pip install s3cmd

This command uses PIP to install s3cmd.

Configure s3cmd

  1. Configure s3cmd: Once s3cmd is installed, you need to configure it with your Qencode S3 credentials. Run the following command in the Command Prompt:
  2. s3cmd --configure
  3. Enter Qencode S3 Credentials: During the configuration process, you will be prompted to enter your Qencode S3 Access Key and Secret Key.
  4. Enter Qencode S3 region: Qencode Media Storage offers two primary regions:
    • us-west (Sacramento, California and Phoenix, Arizona)
    • eu-central (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  5. Enter S3 Endpoint: The S3 endpoint should follow this format: [region].s3.qencode.com
  6. Complete the Configuration: Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the configuration. You can accept the default settings for most options.

Verify Installation

Test s3cmd: To ensure s3cmd is installed correctly, try listing your S3 buckets with the following command:

s3cmd ls

If s3cmd is set up correctly, this will list all the buckets in your Qencode storage account.

Additional Tips

  • Python Path: If Python commands aren't recognized, ensure Python's installation path is added to your system's PATH environment variable.
  • Updating s3cmd: To update s3cmd in the future, use the command pip install --upgrade s3cmd.
  • Python Version: If you have multiple Python versions installed, ensure that PIP and Python commands are executed for Python 3.x. You might need to use python3 and pip3 commands instead.

Here's a step-by-step guide to install s3cmd on a macOS system:


  • Homebrew: Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS which simplifies the installation of software.
  • Python: s3cmd is a Python script, so you need Python installed on your system. macOS typically comes with Python, but you might want to install a more recent version.

Install Homebrew (if not already installed)

  1. Open Terminal: You can find Terminal in the Applications/Utilities folder, or you can use Spotlight by pressing Cmd + Space and typing "Terminal".
  2. Install Homebrew: Paste the following command in the Terminal and press Enter. This command can be found on the Homebrew website (https://brew.sh/):
  3. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)>"
  4. Follow Installation Prompts: The script explains what it will do and then pauses before it does it. Read the instructions carefully and proceed.

Install Python (if a newer version is needed)

  1. Install Python via Homebrew: Type the following command in Terminal and press Enter:
  2. brew install python
  3. Verify Python Installation: Type python3 --version to verify the installation. This should return the installed Python version.

Install s3cmd

  1. Install s3cmd: Now that you have Python, you can install s3cmd using Homebrew by typing the following command:
  2. brew install s3cmd
  3. Verify Installation: To ensure s3cmd is installed, type s3cmd --version in the Terminal. This should return the installed version of s3cmd.

Configure s3cmd

  1. Configure s3cmd: Run the following command in the Terminal:
  2. s3cmd --configure
  3. Enter Qencode S3 Credentials: You'll be prompted to enter your Qencode S3 Access Key and Secret Key.
  4. Enter Qencode S3 region: Qencode Media Storage offers two primary regions:
    • us-west (Sacramento, California and Phoenix, Arizona)
    • eu-central (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  5. Enter S3 Endpoint: The S3 endpoint should follow this format: [region].s3.qencode.com
  6. Complete the Configuration: Follow the rest of the prompts. Most users can use the default settings for most options.

Test s3cmd

  1. Test s3cmd: Run a simple command to list your S3 buckets:
s3cmd ls

If everything is configured correctly, this command will list your S3 buckets.

Additional Tips

  1. Updating s3cmd: To update s3cmd in the future, use the command brew upgrade s3cmd.
  2. Python Version: Ensure that when you run Python-related commands, you're using the version installed by Homebrew (python3) and not the macOS default Python version.
  3. PATH Environment Variable: Make sure that the Homebrew bin directory (/usr/local/bin or /opt/homebrew/bin depending on your macOS version) is in your PATH environment variable to access Homebrew packages.

Installing s3cmd on a Linux system can vary slightly depending on the distribution you're using. However, the general process is similar across most distributions. Here’s a step-by-step guide for a typical installation:


  • Python: s3cmd is a Python script, so Python needs to be installed. Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed.
  • PIP: PIP is Python's package installer. If it's not already installed, you'll need to install it.

Install Python and PIP (if not already installed)

  1. Open Terminal: You can usually open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or by searching for 'Terminal' in your applications menu.
  2. Install Python and PIP: Most modern Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed. To check if Python is installed, type python --version or python3 --version in the terminal. If it's not installed or you need a newer version, use your distribution's package manager to install it. For example, on Ubuntu/Debian systems, you can use:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Install s3cmd

  1. Install s3cmd using PIP: In the terminal, type the following command:
  2. pip install s3cmd

    This command uses PIP to install s3cmd. On some systems, you might need to use pip3 instead of pip.

  3. Alternative Installation Method: In some Linux distributions, s3cmd can be installed directly from the distribution's package repository.For example, on Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt install s3cmd

And on Fedora:

sudo dnf install s3cmd

Configure s3cmd

  1. Configure s3cmd: After installation, run the following command in the terminal to start the configuration wizard:
  2. s3cmd --configure
  3. Enter Qencode S3 Credentials: During the configuration, you'll be asked to enter your Qencode S3 Access Key and Secret Key.
  4. Enter Qencode S3 region: Qencode Media Storage offers two primary regions:
    • us-west (Sacramento, California and Phoenix, Arizona)
    • eu-central (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  5. Enter S3 Endpoint: The S3 endpoint should follow this format: [region].s3.qencode.com
  6. Complete Configuration: Follow the prompts to complete the configuration. Most users can use the default settings for most options.

Verify Installation

  1. Test s3cmd: To ensure s3cmd is installed correctly, try listing your S3 buckets with the following command:
s3cmd ls

If s3cmd is set up correctly, this will list all the buckets in your Qencode S3 account.

Additional Tips

  • Updating s3cmd: To update s3cmd in the future, use the command pip install --upgrade s3cmd (or the package manager command if you installed it via a package manager).
  • Python Version: Make sure you are using Python 3 and the corresponding version of PIP (pip3), as Python 2 is no longer supported.
  • PATH Variable: Ensure that the installation path for Python and s3cmd is included in your system's PATH environment variable.

This guide should be applicable to most Linux distributions. However, some details might differ depending on the specific distribution and its package management system.

Creating a bucket using s3cmd mb command:

s3cmd --host-bucket=[your-unique-bucket-name].[region].s3.qencode.com mb s3://[your-unique-bucket-name]

Please see the command options explained below:

  1. --host-bucket=[your-unique-bucket-name].[region].s3.qencode.com: This option specifies a custom host bucket configuration. It's telling s3cmd to create the bucket in a specific location, for instance this can be my-unique-bucket-name.us-west.s3.qencode.com.

  2. mb: This stands for "make bucket" and is the command used to create a new bucket in S3.

  3. s3://[your-unique-bucket-name]: This specifies the URI of the bucket you want to create. In S3, buckets are referenced using the s3:// prefix, followed by the bucket name.

Please make sure you replace [your-unique-bucket-name] with your bucket name and [region] with the Qencode region name (either us-west or eu-central).

Deleting a bucket using s3cmd

It is a straightforward process. However, it's important to remember that this action is irreversible. Make sure the bucket is empty before attempting to delete it, as s3cmd will not delete a bucket that contains files or objects.

Here's how to delete a bucket using s3cmd:

  1. Open Terminal or Command Line Interface: Depending on your operating system, open the terminal (Linux/Mac) or command prompt/PowerShell (Windows).
  2. Ensure the Bucket is Empty: Before you can delete a bucket, it must be empty. You can list the contents of the bucket using:
  3. s3cmd ls s3://your-bucket-name

    If there are files or objects in the bucket, you need to delete them first. You can delete individual files using:

    s3cmd del s3://your-bucket-name/file-name

    Or, to delete all contents of the bucket, use:

    s3cmd del --recursive s3://your-bucket-name
  4. Delete the Bucket: Once the bucket is empty, use the following command to delete it:
  5. s3cmd rb s3://your-bucket-name

    Here, rb stands for "remove bucket."

  6. Verify Deletion: After running the command, you can verify that the bucket has been deleted by listing all your buckets:
s3cmd ls

The deleted bucket should no longer appear in this list.

Important Considerations

  • Data Loss: Be absolutely certain that you no longer need any of the data in the bucket. Once deleted, it cannot be recovered.
  • Permissions: You need to have appropriate permissions to delete the bucket. If you encounter a permission error, check your AWS IAM policies.
  • Bucket Name Uniqueness: Once a bucket is deleted, its name becomes available for others to use. If you might need the same bucket name in the future, consider keeping it or securing the name in another way.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully delete a bucket using s3cmd. Remember to proceed with caution to avoid accidental data loss.

Need More Help?

For additional information, tutorials, or support, visit the Qencode Documentation pageLink or contact Qencode Support at support@qencode.com.