On this page


This guide covers the basics of managing your Organization inside your account. We'll show you how to edit your Organization's details, invite team members, assign them specific roles, and edit or remove members from your Organization.

Organizations for Owners

If you are the first in your Organization to create your Qencode account, you will be automatically set to the Role of Owner. As the Owner of the Organization, you will:

  • Have access to all pages
  • Can add, remove, or edit the roles of members in your Organization
Organizations can only have one Owner. Transferring the Organization to a new owner is not available currently, but is a feature we're working on. For now, you can contact our support team at support@qencode.com for transferring Organization ownership.

Enter your Organization's details

  • During the account creation process: On the sign-up form, fill out the Organization Name field.
Fill Organization name on Sign Up form
  • For existing users: On the Settings page, you can navigate to Organization Details to fill out the Organization name, Website, Address, and Phone Number.
Organization Details

Invite Team Members

  1. To invite team members to your account, go to the Settings page, navigate to the Team Management section, and click the + Add Member button.
  2. Add Member
  3. Enter the email address of the team member you want to add and select a Role from the dropdown menu.
  4. Role Selector

    Team Roles

    • Admin: All pages and can add, remove, or edit members of the Organization.
    • Developer: All pages except Billing pages.
    • Billing: Billing and Statistics pages only.
  5. Once the Role has been selected, click the Send Invite button. The team member will then appear on the table under Team Management with the status “Invited”. After the member accepts the invitation and signs up, the status will change to “Active”, and the member's name will be shown instead of their email.

Edit or Remove Members

Only Owner and Admin roles can edit member information and add or remove members from the Organization.
  • On the table under Team Management, find the name of the team member you want to edit or remove. You can enter the team member's email address in the search bar to have their name appear at the top of the table or you can scroll through the table manually.
Team Management
  • Once you've found the team member you wish to edit or remove, click the three dots on the rightmost part of the table next to "Status." Then click Edit or Remove, depending on which action you want to pursue.
Users can only edit team members with an Active status.
Edit or Remove Member
  • If you want to remove a team member: A pop-up asking to confirm member deletion will appear. If you wish to proceed with removing the team member, click Delete. The team member will automatically be removed from the Team Management table, and access to your Organization and its pages will be revoked.
Delete Member
  • If you want to edit a team member: A pop-up containing the member's email, Role, First Name, and Last Name will appear. Change the member's Role or name and then click Save Changes. Changes will be reflected on the Team Management table and the team member's user profile. The member's access permissions will also automatically change to the new Role assigned.
You may need to refresh the Settings page for the member's new information to show on the Team Management table.
Edit Member

Organizations for Team Members

Members can't be invited to the Organization if their email is registered within Qencode. If you are a team member and not an Owner, do not register an account in Qencode yourself. Instead, wait for the invite email.
  • You will receive an email from Qencode asking to verify your email address. If you haven't received the email and your Organization owner has already sent an invite, check your Spam folder for the invite email or double-check that your Organization owner used the correct email address.
New Message
  • Open the email and click the Verify Email Address button.
Verify Email

Complete Account Setup

  • You will be redirected to the Qencode website and asked to complete your account setup. Enter your details and click Finish Setup.
Complete Setup

Need More Help?

For additional information, tutorials, or support, visit the Qencode Documentation pageLink or contact Qencode Support at support@qencode.com.