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Storing your Outputs to Qencode S3


This tutorial guides you through the process of saving outputs from Qencode services, like video transcoding or live streaming, to Qencode S3.

Upon completing this tutorial, you will be able to configure a destination object to save files to Qencode S3. We will also provide an outline of the URL structure and key security parameters.

Qencode S3 Protocol

s3://S3 Protocol

Destination Object Structure

"destination": {
  "url": "s3://[region].s3.qencode.com/[bucket]/[path]"
Specifying key and secret parameters for destination object is optional when saving outputs to Qencode S3. We recommend you avoid using the key and secret in the destination to enhance application security.

URL Structure for Qencode S3

Key parts of the Qencode S3 url are region, bucket and path.


Components of URL
regionDatacenter region. Choose between us-west or eu-central.
bucketThe name of the bucket you want to use.
pathThe path where the file will be saved within your bucket.

Destination Object Example

"destination": {
  "url": "s3://us-west.s3.qencode.com/my-bucket/folder/output.mp4"

When saving ABR outputs like HLS or DASH, please specify the path to a folder where the contents of the HLS or DASH stream should be located:

"destination": {
  "url": "s3://us-west.s3.qencode.com/my-bucket/folder"

Accessing Files via HTTP

To access your files via HTTP, use the format:


For the example above, it would be:


Need More Help?

For additional information, tutorials, or support, visit the Qencode Documentation pageLink or contact Qencode Support at support@qencode.com.